Natural ways to get rid of insects in your home (the second edition).
Many people often ask for natural ways to get rid of insects in your home. Which is why we have come up with a second edition of our previous plant edition. With most people being against the use of chemicals in their home especially around kids, natural remedies are always popular. Below we are going to provide a list of our natural ways to get rid of insects in your home:
The most common household pest, ants are found in big numbers which most people hate. The most natural way to get rid of ants is by using lemon juice, cinnamon or peppermint. Combine one, or all of the above into a spray and spray the effected areas for best results.
Flies are usually a popular pest that is usually found in your home. The most natural way to get rid of flies in your home is by using apple cider vinegar in a jar with cut up lemon. If you leave this open, it will usually attract flies that will get caught in the liquid.
We put this one in for an important reason. That reason is, there is no natural ways to get rid of insects such as roaches. The best way to remove or deter them from your home is by cleaning, cleaning and cleaning again. Keeping your area clean is a must if your wanting to keep roaches away from your home.
For the families that love having their dogs in their home. A natural way to get rid of insects such as fleas is by creating a citrus spray or vinegar spray. The stronger the better. You can either spray the affected areas or prevent them from hitching a ride with your pup by spraying them too.